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Remote Indigenous Broadcasting Services

The Victoria Daly Region Broadcasting Program supports Indigenous Community Radio Stations as part of the Federal Government’s Remote Indigenous Broadcasting Service (RIBS) program. The Council provides training, maintenance and support for the 4 Stations currently in operation in the communities of Nauiyu, Yarralin and Kalkarindji.


Formerly BRACS now referred to as RIBS, the Broadcasting for Remote Aboriginal Communities Scheme (BRACS) was established in the mid-1980’s setting up broadcasting units in remote communities across Australia. The concept was to give Aboriginal and Islander people, access to and control of their own media at a community level. Due to limited funding, basic domestic audio and video equipment was used. Each installation comprised a cabinet to house a cassette recorder, radio tuner, microphone, speakers, switch panel, two VHS VCRs, television set, video camera, two UHF television transmitters, FM transmitter, satellite dish and two decoders. By the time the program finished in 1991, Telstra had installed 80 BRACS units across Australia. The units provide ownership over what media is heard and seen in the communities, especially the ability to broadcast in the local language.

Each RIBS community has a small transmitter making them able to cut into radio and television services and broadcast their own locally produced material, be it dramas, news, dream times stories, health information, children’s programming or community notices. A transmitter can broadcast to an approximate 15-kilometre radius.

Get Involved with RIBS

For further information regarding RIBS (or to get involved) please contact your local VDRC office:

Head Office

(08) 8972 0777

Yarralin Office

(08) 8975 0839

Safety is important


18 Pearce Street,
Katherine South NT 0850

Postal Address

PO Box 19, Katherine NT 0851

Further Enquiries Please Contact

(08) 8972 0777