our council
Audit and Risk Management Committee Agendas and Minutes
Audit and Risk Committee Members
On the 27 August 2024, Council passed a resolution OCM-2024/113 to approve the current Audit and Risk Committee members John De Koning and Maxine Bright for a further two years.
Council approves the reappointment of Cr Georgina Macleod and Deputy Mayor Yvette Williams tot he ARMC for a further two years.
Council approves the appointment of Deborah Jones to join the audit committee for a term of two years.
Chair Person: John De Koning
Members: Ms Maxine Bright, Deputy Mayor Yvette Williams, Councillor Georgina Macleod, Councillor Deborah Jones
Agendas of meetings are made available three business days prior to the meeting and minutes are posted within ten business days of the meeting.
Terms of Reference: Audit and Risk Management Committee – Terms of Reference
Audit and Risk Committee
Meeting Date | Meeting | Agenda | Unconfirmed Minutes | Confirmed Minutes |
28 October 2024 9:00am |
Audit And Risk Management Meeting 18 Pearce Street, Katherine |
Agenda | Unconfirmed Minutes | Confirmed Minutes |
29 April 2024 9:00am |
Audit And Risk Management Meeting 18 Pearce Street, Katherine |
Agenda | Unconfirmed Minutes | Confirmed Minutes |
30 October 2023 11:00am |
SPECIAL Audit And Risk Management Meeting 18 Pearce Street, Katherine |
Agenda | Unconfirmed Minutes | Confirmed Minutes |
20 October 2023 1:00pm |
Audit And Risk Management Meeting 18 Pearce Street, Katherine |
Agenda | Unconfirmed Minutes | Confirmed Minutes |
26 June 2023 08:00am |
Audit And Risk Management Meeting 18 Pearce Street, Katherine |
Agenda | Unconfirmed Minutes | Confirmed Minutes |
28 November 2022 09:00am |
Audit And Risk Management Meeting 29 Crawford Street, Katherine |
Agenda | Unconfirmed Minutes | Confirmed Minutes |
08 November 2022 09:00am |
SPECIAL Audit And Risk Management Meeting 29 Crawford Street, Katherine |
Agenda | Unconfirmed Minutes | Confirmed Minutes |
27 June 2022 CANCELLED |
Audit And Risk Management Meeting 29 Crawford Street, Katherine |
Agenda | Unconfirmed Minutes | Confirmed Minutes |
30 May 2022 09:00am |
Audit And Risk Management Meeting 29 Crawford Street, Katherine |
Agenda | Unconfirmed Minutes | Confirmed Minutes |
30 March 2022 09:30am |
Audit And Risk Management Meeting 29 Crawford Street, Katherine |
Agenda | Unconfirmed Minutes | Confirmed Minutes |
11 November 2021 02:00pm |
Audit And Risk Management Meeting 29 Crawford Street, Katherine |
Agenda | Unconfirmed Minutes | Confirmed Minutes |
In the same section
18 Pearce Street,
Katherine South NT 0850
Postal Address
PO Box 19, Katherine NT 0851
Further Enquiries Please Contact
(08) 8972 0777